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Diary Of Being A Writer; Week 87
So far behind on NaNoWriMo, it isn’t funny.
My first chance again to write since the start of NaNo but I have a cold. I have had it for three days now, and I am very bored with it/myself. I am still going to write today, it just may not be much or any good.
But I have turned up to the keyboard, and that is a start.
I got 597 words done, but now my head is spinning, so I am going to lie back down. I will try again tomorrow.
How far behind am I?
I am still feeling crook, so what did I do with the energy and brainpower I had available this morning? I wrote reviews. I have no idea why I do this, but I do. I know that other people’s reviews help me make decisions, so I guess I feel the restaurants that give me a great experience deserve a shout out. And the terrible ones should be avoided, life is too short for shitty dining experiences. I don’t tend to bother with the middle of the road ones, after all, what does adding ‘okay wouldn’t avoid but wouldn’t recommend either’ add? Either way, I am thinking about adding them to my word count for today. It is writing.
With the last vestiges of strength, I have between coughing fits and continually blowing my nose, I am going to transfer my WIP’s Plan into Scrivener. No more writing in cafes. It…